The minimum requirements to be employed as a peace officer in the State on Montana are outlined in Montana Code Annotated 7-32-303 entitled “Peace Officer Employment, Education, And Certification Standards -- Suspension Or Revocation – Penalty.”

Good moral character is a prerequisite for becoming a Montana Peace Officer! All public safety officers who have been appointed as a peace officer or certified by P.O.S.T must abide by the Montana Law Enforcement Code of Ethics contained in A.R.M 23.13.803. More information can be found in the CODE OF ETHICS | Administrative Rules of Montana

Step 1

Please submit a GCLEA program interest form located at the bottom of this page. Doing so will allow us to contact you once we begin accepting applications for the program.

Step 2

  • Be at least 18 years old at time of application.
  • Be a citizen of the United States by birth or naturalization.
  • Have a valid driver’s license. This is necessary for patrol vehicle operations instruction and future appointment as a Montana Law Enforcement Officer.
  • Submit a complete Gallatin College application including immunization records and high school transcripts or the equivalent.

Step 3

  • Submit one-page letter of interest detailing your desire to become a peace officer and why you want to be accepted into GCLEA.
  • Submit two written professional references who speak to the character and reliability of the applicant and includes reference contact information. (This cannot be family members.)

Upon completion of the above requirements, you will receive information on how to register for Pre-Academy orientation which includes additional screening components described below.

Pre-Academy is a one-day orientation session (date to be announced) designed to introduce applicants to the Gallatin College Law Enforcement Academy. A series of assessment activities and exercises will help students understand the academy challenges and meet additional requirements. Orientation activities include an overview of courses, applicant fingerprinting, psychological evaluation, drug screening, and completion of the Montana Physical Abilities Test (MPAT) (you may also provide a passing MPAT score that’s no more than three months old.)

Yes. The Pre-Academy is part of the law enforcement academy application process. All applicants must attend and successfully complete the Pre-Academy for your academy application to be processed. The Pre-Academy will also give potential recruits a realistic understanding of the demands of the academy. Applicants are responsible for Pre-Academy fees.

No. Completion of the application and Pre-Academy provides academy staff with necessary information to determine if a student is likely to be successful in the program and in the law enforcement industry. This academy training program is overseen by the state and is thus held to a rigorous screening standard. Suitable applicants will be admitted to GCLEA based on application and Pre-Academy completion dates.

The majority of training will take place over 14 weeks in the summer, with a typical schedule of Monday-Friday 8am-5pm with some variation. Three additional online courses, including at least one in-person situational instructional session, are also required in the Fall semester.

Successful students will earn a 30-credit Certificate of Applied Science (CAS). This is an accredited college certificate which may be applied in-part or in-full to further education such as an Associate of Arts or Science degree or Bachelors in Sociology/Criminology. Graduates will also be eligable for a state-recognized Public Safety Officer Standards and Training (POST) basic certification upon being hired by a Montana Law Enforcement agency within 60 months of program completion and fulfillment of additional requirements outlined within Montana A.R.M. 23.13.205 and 23.13.206.

Please be advised that law enforcement officers who move to other states must seek certification through that state’s Public Safety Officer Standards and Training  division, or similar agencies in other states. Law enforcement certification is the exclusive right and responsibility of each state. Before moving out of state, we encourage students to research state law enforcement certification requirements. One research tool is License Finder sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.

If you have difficulty finding the law enforcement certification requirements for other states, please contact the POST council of the state where you are seeking employment.

In addition to tuition, we suggest budgeting approximately $4,500.00. This will cover professional instruction, training materials, uniforms, student health services, gym access and more.  Summer housing is available at an additional fee.

Information on Financial Aid can be found here. You can also call the Financial Aid Office at (406) 994-2845. Early application is encouraged. Please note, financial aid is not guaranteed.

You must be able to spell, handwrite, and type grammatically correct memorandums and factual investigative reports. You must be able to understand and answer questions and carry out all verbal orders given by academy staff. You must have comprehensive reading skills and be capable of learning and using law enforcement technology including laptop computers, body worn cameras, and two-way radios. 

Yes, however, the rigors of full day training sessions, studying, and the physical and emotional demands of the academy make it extremely hard to have a job during the academy.

Yes, you should be prepared to commit to daily studying, homework assignments, and uniform and equipment preparation for the next day’s training.

If you would like to park on campus, a parking permit is required.More information is available through MSU Parking Services. Transportation to other program-specific training locations and facilities will be provided.

You are not required to live on campus,however, summer housing is available. More information and a housing application are available through MSU Student Housing.

Unless you are living on campus, meals are not provided. However, an award-winning dining hall and additional dining options are available to students on campus.

Yes, however, duty gear must have a basket weave texture and must be pre-approved by the Academy Coordinator.

Yes, but only with prior approval from the Academy Coordinator and adherence to the MSU Weapons Policy. The semi-auto, 9mm handgun, must be a Sig Sauer, Glock, Springfield XD, Heckler Koch, or Smith and Wesson M&P. Additionally, you must have a minimum of three (3) magazines for your handgun, and you must have or purchase your own basketweave holster and magazine pouch. An authorized weapons storage facility is available on campus.

Please contact us for more information. We look forward to hearing from you.


GCLEA Program Interst Form 

If you are intersted in enrolling in this program, please complete the following form. We will contact you as soon as we begin accepting applications for the program. Thank you!

 denotes required fields.