Gallatin College Students 

Welcome and congratulations on your admission to Gallatin College MSU!

We are so excited you have selected Gallatin College as part of your higher education journey!  You have made an important decision about your future, and we want to help you take the next step toward your academic and career goals.  



Here are a few things to know about Gallatin College Orientation… 

  • GC Orientation is different from Montana State’s Orientation!
    If you are attending Gallatin College, you should not register for MSU’s orientation programming. 

  • GC Orientation registration is by invitation only!
    Due to limited space in our programs we restrict access to orientation registration to the students who have confirmed seats in their majors. Your future academic advisor will email you your orientation registration link when it’s time to prepare for orientation.  
    • Fall start students – expect your orientation registration information to come your way mid-March 
    • Spring start students – expect your orientation registration information to come your way mid-November 

  • GC Orientation is fully online!
    There is no need to travel to Bozeman to complete any of your orientation requirements.  

  • GC Orientation consists of two parts. 
    • First, students complete online modules that cover important information regarding their degree or certificate program, college rules, resources, policies and procedures, and the online platforms they will use during their time as a student. We recommend budgeting about 2 hours for this. The orientation will guide students through the registration process and help them understand which classes are required for their degree. It's crucial not to rush through orientation, as this can make it difficult to register for classes, take placement tests, and determine the courses needed. 
    • Secondly, after fully completing the online modules, you will receive your Advisor PIN via email, which is necessary for registering for classes. While meeting with a student success advisor is not mandatory for registration, they are happy to assist you if needed. Student Success appointments need to be made on navMSU

  • Gallatin College offers multiple orientation sessions throughout the summer.
    We encourage students to complete their orientation early in the summer (for fall start) or winter (for spring start). The earlier the orientation, the more class options you will have! Due to limited space in many Gallatin College majors, delaying your orientation can result in a loss of your seat in classes. 

2025 Orientation Dates

    • Fall Semester Start:
      June 16-18
      July 21-23
      August 4-8


Still have questions? Please contact us at or 406-994-5536!  



At Gallatin College, we take campus safety seriously. The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is available both on our website and via hard copy. The report can be found online here:  A paper copy may be requested from the Office of the Dean of Students by calling 406-994-2826 or emailing  

This report contains information regarding campus security and personal safety, including topics such as:  crime prevention, fire safety, University police law enforcement authority, crime reporting policies, policies related to and programs to prevent sexual assault and other crimes, disciplinary procedures, crime statistics and other matters of importance related to security and safety on campus.